Episode 17: Vaginal Breech Birth
Hosted by Anne, Mel, and Carla, this episode explores the fascinating realm of vaginal breech births.
Learn about the historical shift from routine breech deliveries to the increasing preference for caesarean sections, propelled by landmark studies like the Term Breech Trial. Delve into the controversies, evolving guidelines, and the resurgence of interest in vaginal breech births.
Discover the essential criteria for selecting ideal candidates, the role of skilled birth attendants, and the infrastructure necessary for a safe and successful experience. Join the hosts in dissecting the intricacies of labour management, from delivery considerations to the possible manoeuvres required for the delivery of breech babies.
With a dash of humour, a touch of history, and a wealth of knowledge, The Uterine Sound podcast promises an engaging journey through the challenges and triumphs of vaginal breech births.
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